The recent E.coli outbreak in the U.S. has spread a fear of buying romaine throughout the nation and driven the price of iceberg lettuce sky high. With the expansion of their blockchain solution, FoodChain, French retail giant Auchan will eventually put an end to the uncertainty behind the origins of the food we eat.

Operating in 17 countries, Auchan is the 13th largest food retailer in the world. The FoodChain was introduced last year in Vietnam, with the purpose to trace products from farm to table. By scanning QR codes printed on various products, customers can see a food history and quality data. Now, after an 18-month trial period, Auchan plans to expand the service to France, Spain, Italy, Senegal, and Portugal.

Blockchain is widely applied in the food industry throughout the world. U.S. retail giant Walmart has recently introduced their own form of blockchain with a similar purpose. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have also announced their plans to explore blockchain technology to fight E. coli. Additionally, South Korea announced that they are currently working on their own blockchain solution tracking the quality of beef. Hopefully, the expansion of blockchain can help to ensure food safety and prevent any possible outbreaks from even happening.