Since its introduction in 2008, blockchain solutions have been implemented in a multitude of industries worldwide. Traditionally, private sector has been more responsive to any technological innovations; however, right now even government cannot ‘skip’ blockchain when it comes to implementing a better technological solution, or optimizing the work process.

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced a two-day blockchain workshop to be held on February 14-15, 2019 in the U.S. Department of Defense headquarters in Arlington, VA. The main purpose of the workshop is to study technologies for distributed consensus, as stated in the official announcement. According to DARPA’s statement, their main interest lies in the so-called ‘permissionless’ distributed consensus protocols.

During the workshop, the agency will be focusing on three different topics. The first one is reportedly focused on creating large-scale distribution protocols without involvement of paying participants. The second one is centered around economic-driven security models for distributed computation protocols. Lastly, the third one covers the “centralities of distributed consensus protocols.” According to the U.S. Department of Defense, blockchain technology has a lot of value for the government sector due the possibilities it provides for “the security and resilience of critical data storage and computation tasks.”  

Currently, U.S. military agency is not the only government arm officially working on implementing its own blockchain solution. Just this past week, on November 22, a German news outlet reported that the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) was using blockchain to crack down on tax evasion.  U.S. Department of Defense is responsible for the largest part of the U.S. state budget annually, so as soon as blockchain solution will be successfully launched in the defense industry, it will inevitably expand this technology to many more industries in and out of USA, experts say.