Innovative phone maker Sirin Labs has announced that the much-anticipated release of its Blockchain mobile phone will take place on November 29th in Barcelona. The phone is named after the Blockchain pioneer, Hal Finney, and will be called the Finney phone. Sirin Labs promotes it as “the world’s first Blockchain smartphone,” however, its release follows another Blockchain-based phone called Solarin, which launched back in 2016. With a steep price tag of $16,000, it was intended for high net worth individuals who wanted a military-grade security, and was not intended for a mainstream use, however, the Finney phone has all chances to fill in that gap. Its announced price of $1,000 falls into the same range as the Apple and Samsung current market offerings.

The Finney phone will be presented by one of the world’s famous football players – Lionel Messi. According to Messi, he himself has seen the power that Blockchain can bring into the phone industry, and he plays a bigger role than being simply a celebrity endorser.

“This is the relationship we have with Leo Messi. After a significant amount of time discussing a wide range of issues, Messi saw the power, professionalism and future within Sirin Labs, and it was for these reasons he agreed to represent us to the masses,” Sirin Labs statement says. According to the Labs, Messi “doesn’t just put his name on anything just to make a buck.”

The potential of the mainstream use of the Blockchain-backed Finney phone with the built-in cryptocurrency wallet has an enormous potential for the further development of the crypto market, experts say. Considering a very competitive price tag and a potential of Blockchain security, having crypto available at their fingertips might become a turning point of encouraging mainstream market to adopt crypto.