Seven E.U. countries have officially come together in joint efforts to promote and increase the adoption of the blockchain technology on the government level. The coalition consists of all major Southern states of the E.U. – Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain. The official declaration document has been signed earlier this week in Brussels, Belgium. The coalition’s main goal is to make the neighboring southern countries “a leading region in this sector.”

Not surprisingly, Malta is leading the board. According to the statement of Silvio Schembri, Malta’s parliamentary secretary for digital economy, financial services and innovation, he’s proud

“to see Malta, the smallest nation in the EU, taking a “leading role” on blockchain cooperation.”

Self-proclaimed “Blockchain Island,” Malta has released three notable bills related to blockchain back in June, and has attracted multiple businesses in the industry to set up offices in the country.

As the declaration cites, blockchain can be a true “game changer” when it comes to transforming both public and private sectors. Through increasing the efficiency and transparency of government services, blockchain solutions can enhance and improve various services for citizens, from education and healthcare to customs and transportation.