The northern city of Bilbao, Spain recently launched a $171,000 tender with the purpose of developing a blockchain to be used for public services.

Officials of Spain’s largest city are aiming to build a decentralized platform that will allow users to act with “power of attorney” online. Officials announced that the application deadline for the tender will be November 23.

Whoever wins the contract for developing the blockchain will be given six months. Officials have stated that it should be similar in design to the EJIE network. EJIE is a platform owned by the Bilbao government that operates on Quorum, a distributed ledger developed by J.P. Morgan in order to provide a smart contract platform for financial needs based on the Ethereum blockchain.

Bilbao authorities have chosen blockchain with the intention of preventing hacks that may leave citizens’ information vulnerable.

Spain is one of the world leaders when it comes to blockchain, and it’s only natural they have begun looking into other methods of utilizing the technology.