While blockchain is an emerging technology many industries can benefit from, often investors misunderstand it, guided by a misconception that blockchain can only be connected with crypto.

To debunk this myth, major investment bank J.P. Morgan has defined at least three public companies that will experience immediate benefits from the use of the blockchain technology.

In a note to its clients, J.P. Morgan emphasized that already in the nearest future a number of companies will use blockchain, which will optimize their operations similar to how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning do it today. Among three public companies that will benefit from applying blockchain solutions the bank named Akamai Technologies Inc., U.S. content delivery network and cloud service provider, digital transaction management firm DocuSign, and cloud-based platform provider for the mortgage industry Ellie Mae.

According to the J.P. Morgan note, investors should be on the lookout for cases where “the opportunity for replacement of the middleman is the biggest,” as this is something that currently involves the biggest room for growth. Additionally, J.P. Morgan software equity research analyst, Sterling Auty, has explained that other companies that will immediately experience benefits from blockchain are the ones that are built in the industries where little to none trust exists, or the ones that could provide blockchain platform as a service.

In October, a study of J.P. Morgan’s digital transformation initiatives revealed that blockchain is a key point in the bank’s roadmap, where blockchain is listed as the first in a range of cutting-edge technologies.