In an effort to monitor the growing embrace of cryptocurrency, Mexico has recently established its first blockchain association. According to Forbes Mexico, the Blockchain Association of Mexico intends on providing information on the potential use cases of blockchain technology in the government and private sectors.

Companies such as ConsenSys, Exponent Capital, Bitso, Volabit, BIVA, GBM, and Lyna reportedly make up the association. According to BIVA’s director, María Ariza, the Association aims to generate a space for discussion and public policy.

“We want everyone to be able to present their ideas.”

The enthusiasm for the Association’s premise continues worldwide. Mexico’s Blockchain Association is reportedly pursuing the idea of developing rules and regulations in the blockchain industry before it becomes mainstream.

“As a technology, blockchain solution provides more security and transparency, and therefore its further adoption is essential”, said Felipe Vallejo, provisional president of the Blockchain Association.

One of the other goals of the Mexico’s Blockchain Association is to establish guidelines and procedures for the cryptocurrency industry, known as “a code of conduct,” aimed at preventing crypto crime by establishing the proper guidelines and procedures for crypto transactions.

With the constant integration of blockchain into our everyday life, and its further establishment in the major ‘mainstream’ industries, including food safety, transportation, and even politics, there will inevitably be more and more blockchain-based solutions to change lives worldwide, experts say.