The year comes to an end, and this is the time when people tend to look back at the past twelve months to conclude, along with making plans for the next ones.

We, at OpenLedger, don’t lag behind that tradition and share the memories from 2019 that we cherish. Yet those are more specific; we will remember the top ten articles on our blog readers were in absolute love with this year. And like one typically does when reviewing charts, let’s start with the bottom and continue up to the top.

Top 10 Articles You Shouldn’t Miss in the Expiring Year

10. 12 Blockchain Use Cases for Real Estate


This year, real estate took its prominent place among sectors that go through blockchain’s disruption. Here and there, blockchain-focused startups come up with ideas on how technology can improve rental tasks. As a result, real-time asset tracking, digital trading in blockchain-enabled assets, a platform for online rentals, and other innovative solutions move to the forefront.

For the article, we picked these and other examples that demonstrate how significantly the space will change in a few years, once the announced projects reach the release stage.

9. 9 Real-life Blockchain and IoT Use Cases


Businesses across the globe, from SMEs and startups to well-established large enterprises, continue experimenting with IoT and blockchain in their solutions. Well, this mix already proved itself useful, especially for real-time monitoring purposes, so the trend will evolve further.

And it’s not about logistics and warehousing only, though both also have their part in the list of the known use cases.

Our articles show that applications might transcend that ordinary scope, bringing cases with biometrics, radiation dosimetry, smart parking, and others to the reader’s attention. If you haven’t had a chance to find out more about these already, now this is the time to dive in!

8. Blockchain in Logistics: 10 Real-life Use Cases


IBM, MAERSK, UPS, Walmart — what all these companies have in common? The first thing that comes to mind: logistics. But the idea goes further if one digs deeper into it. They are now looking for ways to implement blockchain into their logistics processes, with some already testing the waters.

As a result, no sector is an obstacle for blockchain; whether defense, pharma, or cargo, logistics is practically overarching, and so does blockchain. And examples gathered in the article prove it in action, see it yourself.

7. Top Blockchain White Papers and Reports You Should Read

blockchain-white-papersBlockchain research never stops, with new insights emerging regularly. Blockchain Research Institute, Deloitte, PwC, EU Blockchain observatory — here are several examples of organizations that spearhead the global research initiative.

And there’s more; although published a year ago, most of the insights in these blockchain research reports are still actual, so you can jump in and grasp them!

6. Real-life Blockchain Use Cases in Automotive


While logistics enterprises re-invent their supply chains with DLT-based solutions, car producers do practically the same and a lot more. Some do that single-handedly, others through partnerships with software developers. One thing is common for everyone: whether Mercedes-Benz, Renault, or Porsche, they are only beginning to pave their way in the industry, presenting projects as concepts (of course, only for now).

The projects are promising, and the future of the industry looks bright; blockchain-enabled autonomous driving, incorruptible and distributed storage of vehicle data, and, again, transparency across supply chains. Who could imagine all that a couple of years ago?

5. Hyperledger Enterprise Solutions: Top 5 Real Use Cases


Due to its private and scalable nature, Hyperledger stays in the epicenter of blockchain development. A versatile blockchain framework, with custom modular solutions announced almost every month, Hyperledger picks a “key” to every industry door.

Probably, you’ve heard and read a lot about Hyperledger applications in the logistics sector already. Now, it’s time to find out about new use cases unless you know these for now. Smart energy, education and training, finance, we are just teasing you with sneak peeks. Scan the article to find about these!

4. What are Consortium Blockchains, and What Purpose do They Serve?


We are inching closer to the top three, and the next on our list is the educatory article. At the time, we began the article saying that among all the main types of blockchain — open, private, and consortium ones — the latter is the only one that needs additional explanation. So, the topic kicked off.

And while everything is indeed more or less clear with open and private blockchains, with the former intended for public use and the latter designed for restricted groups, consortium blockchains are something “in-between.” These are partially private blockchain systems, with controlled user groups yet presented across different organizations, consortium blockchains have multiple benefits at a cross-disciplinary level.

Already intrigued? Well, you probably are since consortium blockchains might be the case for your enterprise, and our article can guide your final decision.

3. Blockchain in the Supply Chain: 10 Real-life Use Cases and Examples


The internet bursts with blockchain use cases in logistics, yet one can never get bored since those are fascinating and keep growing in scope. From the oil and food industries to agriculture and beverages, blockchain is ubiquitous!

The use cases gathered in our article are yet all the rage as well as the names involved: Louis Dreyfus, Walmart, IBM, Martine Jarlgaard — exciting, isn’t it? Want to know how they are building the revolution right now with blockchain? You know where to go.

2. Blockchain and KYC: Know Your Customer Better


One of the stumbling blocks still standing on the way to global blockchain adoption (and a subject of hot debates so far) is KYC regulations.

How blockchain tackles the problems of fraud and identity theft? Is it safe to perform trading and other operations anonymously (that blockchain enables)? Just a couple of questions that raised a storm of controversy among regulators.

To get a better insight into the situation, you can read our article. There, we present an overview of the topic with the main idea behind KYC, its history, challenges that arose with blockchain’s entrance along with solutions and implementations. Mind that you can always share your vision of the situation and ideas in the comments below the article.

And finally, what is the top choice of our readers in the expiring year?

1. 10 Major Real Use Cases of Blockchain in Healthcare


In 2019, our readers were most concerned with the question; how blockchain can help sick people and even save lives? Fortunately, we have an answer in the related article! Ten use cases, yet each one is prominent, demonstrate several fundamental ideas in action.

Cut costs for healthcare services? Unify record-keeping instead of fragmentation? Provide prompt relief aid? Plenty of solutions, which will become a reality soon, all thanks to blockchain. If you missed the article, hurry up to dive in!

One day in the future, we will look back at the time when blockchain in healthcare was just a collection of concepts with big promises; we are getting really close.

In Conclusion

The year 2019 was eventful for the blockchain space, with more practical applications appearing across the board, from industry to industry. What’s next? “More to come,” we might suppose, and that will definitely be as such.