Since its introduction in 2008, blockchain solutions have been implemented in a multitude of industries, from finance to food safety. Transparency and security the blockchain system provides also make it attractive for voting. Following the recent blockchain voting pilot in West Virginia, South Korea has announced its plans to transfer all voting to blockchain in the nearest future.

According to the report published in The Korea Times, the pilot will be launched in December. The system is being developed in collaboration with National Election Commission and the Ministry of Science and ICT. The main goal of the project is to increase the security and reliability of the online voting system known as K-Voting in South Korea. The new blockchain system will help to prevent falsification of votes. Additionally, the system will allow observers to access data and verify its validity.

The governments worldwide are excited about the blockchain solution implemented into political voting. According to tech venture capitalist and philanthropist Bradley Tusk, who was also directly involved in the voting pilot in West Virginia, blockchain technology creates an absolutely new opportunity for democracies worldwide.

“My dream is that everyone one day will be able to vote in whatever election they want by just pressing a button so that instead of having only ten or twelve percent of people turn out in a primary we are at 70 or 80 percent, which means instead of reflecting the views of the extremes on both sides our Congress, legislation, and everything else has to reflect the views of the mainstream. That is the one that I’m personally working on and most excited about,” Tusk said in his interview with Chicago News.

After the successful pilot in Virginia, Tusk is working on more states to join the blockchain voting system in the U.S. With world’s leading countries supporting a transformation of voting to blockchain, this technology will have its fair shot at changing the world, and much sooner than we might expect it.