Since its introduction in 2008, blockchain has emerged into a multitude of industries. One of the reasons for it is the unlimited potential the technology is offering, including transparency, efficiency and security. One of the most recent blockchain use cases in politics is voting.

In an attempt to reach residents abroad, the Catalonian government is considering the use of blockchain in the upcoming 2020 election. The government aims to do a trial run with the external voters, and although many see this as a positive push to access more voters abroad, many are worried about the security concerns.

Catalonia isn’t the first to consider the idea. Despite some concerns, West Virginia recently reported successful blockchain voting through a mobile-based voting platform called Voatz. According to Bradley Tusk, CEO and founder of Tusk Montgomery Philanthropies, and one of the advisors in the pilot, blockchain in politics is “just getting started,” and although West Virginia primaries was a very small pilot, they’ve already received a solid of concept.

“My dream is that everyone one day will be able to vote in whatever election they want by just pressing a button so that instead of having only 10 or 12 percent of people turn out in a primary we are at 70 or 80 percent which means instead of reflecting the views of the extremes on both sides our Congress, legislation, and everything else has to reflect the views of the mainstream,” said Tusk in his interview with Chicago News.

The Catalonian government aims to implement the system in three phases, first for residents abroad, second for early voting, and third for all the voters entirely.

Although still in its early stages, if all goes according to plan it is highly likely that voting will become much more streamlined and reliable for the citizens of Catalonia, both at home and abroad, with more countries to eventually integrate blockchain technology in their voting systems.