The Italian government announced their list of 30 “high-level” blockchain experts. By using the experts, the Italian government is hopeful to expand their use of blockchain at a state level.

The Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MSE) assembled the project. The blockchain experts will work for free, according to CoinTelegraph.

In September, Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development announced a “Public Notice for the expression of interest for the selection of 30 members of the Group of high-level experts for the development of the national strategy on technologies based on distributed registers and blockchain.”

Following the announcement, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Luigi Di Maio said in a press release,

Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain are destined to radically change our lives, the society in which we live and the economic and productive fabric of the country. We have to decide which way to go: whether to continue to follow the development processes that take place globally or be part of the change trying to govern these processes with well-defined national strategies, which enhance the excellence that, even in the technology sector, we have in our country.”

In the press release, Italy is looking for a way to use blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies (DLT) to “increase public and private investments.”