Vissel Kobe, J. League football club, has announced the partnership with a blockchain startup, Verified Collection, to revolutionize the authentication process of fan merchandise. Vissel Kobe starts its U.S. tour on January 28th and rolls it through February 4th, where all fans would be able to test out the innovation.

Within the partnership, Verified Collection releases a limited-edition drop kit that includes products authenticated with blockchain technology. The introduced marketplace will include both digital and physical goods.

According to Dil-Domine Jacobe Leonares, Founder and CEO of Verified Collection, this is the first fan-powered sports tour showcasing TAG system to authenticate fan merchandise, which “unlocks interactive experiences across web, mobile and console devices.”

This partnership showcases an enormous opportunity for another blockchain use case in authentication, since this same technology can be also applied to a variety of other pieces, including collectibles and expensive art collections.