In yet another blockchain real use case in healthcare, and shortly after the major healthcare companies have formed a blockchain alliance to improve healthcare system, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has officially partnered up with blockchain-centered telemedicine and telepsychology company The partnership is aimed to expand basic telemedicine services across Eastern Africa. has developed a blockchain-based telemedicine and telepsychology service operating 24/7. The users are able to tokenize their personal data and sell it in return for access to the healthcare services, which are otherwise unavailable in a lot of parts of developing world. Both platforms are scheduled to be released in the African market by the second quarter of 2019. According to official statement, the platform has over 130,000 users to date, with the majority of them – over 70,000 – using their telepsychology platform, called “Emotions.”

Additionally to Eastern Africa and other developing countries, the company is also working on expansion into the first world countries, too. For instance, this year it’s planning to deliver its services into a wider range of U.S. states, and to launch its blockchain-powered telemedicine in the U.K. by March 2019.