Since its introduction in 2008, blockchain technology has emerged into a multitude of industries, helping to transform and revolutionize ways we live, shop, vote, entertain, manage our healthcare and finances, transport ourselves onto long distances, and more. In two years after its introduction, blockchain technology seamlessly became mainstream, being successfully applied through more and more use cases by both private and government organizations.

The recent global organization to launch new blockchain projects is the UNICEF. According to their official announcement, the UNICEF Innovation Fund is investing $100,000 in six companies focused specifically on developing blockchain solutions. These startup companies are Argentinian software development firm Atix Labs, Mexican tech companies Onesmart and Prescrypto, Indian startup Statwig, Tunisian apps development startup Utopixar, as well as web apps development firm W3 Engineers, based in Bangladesh.

Following their original goal of helping early stage startups that create open-source technology for benefiting children, through the six blockchain companies the UNICEF Innovation Fund is investing to create systems that aim to address the global problem of healthcare delivery. Each of the startups is required to build a separate prototype addressing the healthcare issue, as well as the ability to allocate finances and resources to social initiatives.